Choose The Right Type Of Wood
As a rule of thumb it’s best to avoid conifers and softwoods like pine and cedar. They have too much resin in them and cause issues with your flue and have been known to actually pop out of the grate onto the floor. Australia is fortunate in that it has numerous species of Hardwoods that are suitable for burning but only some of these timbers make the grade for sustainability and environmental stewardship
In Western Australia the harvesting of WA native species for any purpose is regulated by the Biodiversity Conservation Act of 2016 and the Biodiversity Conservation Regulations of 2018 managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Native WA species, such as Jarrah, Karri and Marri, must be harvested under permit and a separate permit is required for sale of wood products derived from these species.
South West Plantation Firewood uses Australian Hardwood species such as Rose Gum (Eucalyptus Grandis), Spotted Gum (Corymbia Maculata) and Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus Robusta). These species are all indigenous to Eastern Australia and plantes in Western Australia as a commercial crop. A lot of the wood we cut is plantation thinnings, were the number of trees in a plantation is reduced at around 10 – 15 years to allow those remaining to grow larger and be useful for high value purposes like fine timber.
Using these trees for firewood saves them being wasted, and is an environmentally friendly source of heat. Rather than extracting carbon that has long been buried in the earth, you are releasing carbon captured in recent decades and that with replanting and growth in the plantations will be recaptured in a similar timeframe.
Not only can you enjoy the unmatched cosy warmth of a wood fire you can feel good that you are helping the environment.
SWPF does not enter native forests, nor receive any material from them. Our timber is a grown on as a sustainable and renewable crop. If you are purchasing native species of firewood be sure to do so from a reputable organisation with the appropriate permit.
- swpf_admin
- on Apr, 17, 2023
- Seasoned Firewood