Del Avail – Bulka Bag Oversize pieces(0.8 m3)


Larger pieces of our mix of plantation grown hardwoods, split and packed in a bulka bag – 900 x 900 x 900 mm size

Out of stock


Longer and larger pieces of our standard mix of plantation grown hardwoods, split and packed in a bulka bag – 900 x 900 x 900 mm size. This variant is ideally suited to large venues – pubs, breweries, etc with a large fireplace heating a big area.   Length is 30 – 45 cm, split into large pieces.

The bag stretches a bit making it about 0.8 m3.   These bags pack to roughly the same volume as a 7 x 4 trailer packed to a depth of 12 inches. Like all our bulka product we store this in sheds and deliver it seasoned, dry and ready to use.  This product is not rain soaked.

Note that if you wish to include delivery with your order you must pick the appropriate delivery charge for 1,2,3 or 4 bags.  If you order 4 bags and select delivery for 1, your order will be delayed whilst we contact you to correct the error.


Additional information

Weight 350 kg
Dimensions 900 × 900 × 900 cm